December 23, 2014

2014 in the Books

Credit: Stuart Miles
2014 has flown by. I’m starting to relate more and more to Ferris Bueller’s famous quote: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” That being said, this is not a time to take your foot off the financial planning gas pedal.

As I’ve proposed in years before, I’d strongly advise you to take a few moments during the holidays and look at your financial situation. Don’t just say you’re going to lose weight, take a trip, or volunteer more in 2015, make some financial resolutions, too! My wife and I plan to try to boost our cash savings by 25%, make Roth IRA contributions, and increase what we contribute to our employers’ 401(k) plans by a few percentage points. What are you going to do in 2015 to make progress financially?

2014 was a good year for 2MuchCents as there have now been more than 27,000 unique views! Viewership was up over 200% this year! I thank all of you for your support and continued sharing of my posts. I couldn't do it without your help!

The top five posts for 2014 were:
  1. Tips for Buying a Car
  2. How to Plan an Affordable Trip
  3. Freedom from Student Loans
  4. Quit It! (bad financial habits not to do)
  5. Summer Jobs, Life Lessons
If you missed any of them, please give them a read now.
It’s my plan to keep at it in 2015. I’m already working on a few posts that will cover topics such as buying vs. renting a house, freezing your credit, things to consider if you’re moving, stress-free ways to pay down debt, and why watching your portfolio go down hurts more than watching your portfolio go up feels good. I hope you’ll check them out.
Happy holidays. I wish you and your family a happy, healthy, and fulfilling 2015!

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